Ident feedback

After shooting the entire ident, I needed feedback about my ident. I decided that my family were the best people to give me criticism, due to the fact that they are not only the easiest people to survey but I can also trust them to give individual and thought-out points, which I would not have obtained had I done the survey on the streets with random people. This meant that that the data collected was of true belief and opinion of the partakers and was not altered by any time limitations held by people that I may have encountered if I had taken to the streets.

The data seems to be pretty straight forward; the general consensus of what needed to change was aimed at the minor things in my ident - the sound being too soft or subtle, the length of some clips I used may have been slightly on the short side, the lack of sound effects used. This was put well by my mum, who said 'Less sound, too distracting' - something that I did definitely work on. Results like this one gave me straight forward pointers towards what to improve on.

My brother, however, said 'Use more sound effects', conflicting my future plan; I was split by differentiating opinion which meant that I had to pick one or the other.  I don't really think that I can take much away from this really, I have improved aspects that were criticized by this focus group by altering them slightly and also re-uploaded the now finished piece onto YouTube.

On review, I only really need to alter the soundtrack. The feedback was mainly aimed at the audio side to my ident, meaning that the alteration really isn't too major, and only spans one specific area. Though conflicted on what to change about the sound, I have the freedom to choose what to do - something that the focus group allowed me to do.

The focus group was definitely helpful, though, no doubt about that. The smaller pieces of the ident are the pieces that make it stand out, therefore refining my original ident making it a generally better piece. I tweaked and adapted the ident for the better: the evaluative feedback was a successful part of this project and worthwhile.

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